AMA Podcasts

Events, FAA Testing, and an Exclusive Podcast!

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AMA Government Affairs Director Tyler Dobbs joined Matt for the March 1 episode of AMA Air. Tyler shares some details that were just released about the Aeronautical Safety and Knowledge Test. Matt and Tyler share a few events happening around the country and let you know how to find out the current status of events in your area. Plus, learn how you can unlock an exclusive episode of The AMA Podcast! All that and more on this episode of AMA Air!

Virtual Flying: Real Fun

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Virtual flying: Real fun
In this video, Matt Ruddick, Jay Smith, and Kyle Jaracz discuss flight simulators! What’s your go-to? Where are the most active online communities? How much do they cost?

RC Roundtable Has Taken Over AMA Air!

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The RC Roundtable Podcast has gained access to AMA Air and taken over this episode! Join Fitz Walker, Terry Dunn, and Lee Ray to learn about new and returning AMA programs and where you can find the latest information about Remote ID. The RC Roundtable guys also hack into Jay Smith’s files to share a sneak peek of Model Aviation’s February issue, which is now available for digital subscribers!

The Tiny Whoop

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Jesse Perkins, founder and creator of the Tiny Whoop, joins the AMA Podcast to talk about the origin of the most whimsical aircraft in model aviation, the Tiny Whoop.